How Long Will My Landscape Take to Be Put In?
As with many serious commitments, its inevitable to take into account the time commitment necessary – particularly for one that will be affecting the exterior of your home.
There have been horror stories of families that have had their entire backyard unusable for the entirety of a summer – others have stated that they’ve lost functionality of their yard for over a year. This can be a serious problem if expectations and milestones have not been set up with your landscape contractor beforehand.
As with all things in life, it’s important to start with the end in mind. Along with your project’s layout and professional design, major milestones should be passed off to you as well to give you an idea of how extensive the construction will be and how long it will stay that way for. Here are the milestones you will experience with us, at Wright Landscaping, when you sign up for a landscape installation to take place:
- Time to Start: This is the allotted time between the date the contract is signed to when our crews will arrive on site to begin working on your project. This allows for final prep, staking of the utilities on the property and HOA approval (if necessary) to take place so that there is as little downtime as possible while our men are on site servicing your property.
2. Time to Completion: This portion of time is our best estimate, based off of years of experience and our best guess for weather in the near foreseeable future. During this time parts of your home will be in “construction mode”, meaning that it will more than likely be a mess and may even look worse than what it was like before we started. At times like these it is important to remember that we want to have your home be “unfinished” for as short of time as possible and we will be doing all we can to move it through towards completion.
3. After the Project is Completed: Upon completion of your project, final payment will be collected, machinery and equipment will be moved and men will be moved offsite. This brings you into your 1 year warranty period wherein if there is any issue with the landscape we have just installed, we will come back out and ensure it is taken care of. We do this at no charge to you. Somewhere around this time you’ll also be asked to leave us a review on our Google or Facebook accounts to share your experience with Wright Landscaping. Reviews are just as important to our business as actual projects are, and we are happy to offer an incentive to our customers that review and refer other work to us.
It’s important to remember that “where there is a lack of paperwork, there is a lack of professionalism”. Should you hire another landscape contractor besides Wright Landscaping, ensure they have your best interests in mind by providing you with all the information you need in regards to the timing of the project. This could save you a very long headache down the line!